Sinneave Staff

Our team, including Staff, Members of the Corporation, and Board of Directors, brings a diversity of lived and professional experiences to delivering high-quality work within an environment of collaboration, innovation, respect, and diversity – including neurodiversity. As a creative, skilled, and inclusive team, we are dedicated to inclusion, social innovation, serving as strong community partners, and influencing meaningful systems change.

On a white background, are individual headshots of The Sinneave Family Foundation Staff members. There are 40 headshot pictures in total, one for each staff member. They are all smiling in their headshots.

Members of the Corporation

Rick Sinneave, Brune Sinneave, Andy Hakin, Garry McCulloch

Board of Directors

The Sinneave Family Foundation’s (Sinneave) Board of Directors consists of a dedicated and esteemed group of volunteers from both the public and private sectors. The Board provides strategic direction and oversees fiduciary and governance responsibilities for Sinneave.

Group portrait of ten individuals in business or semi-casual attire, posed in two rows in front of a set of metal stairs. The individuals are the Board of Directors of The Sinneave Family Foundation.
Board members, as of June 2024 are:

Photo (from left to right)
Back Row: John Masters, Susan Mallon (Chair), Melinda Noyes, Michel Cantin, Evan Spiropoulos, Carissa Carleton.
Front Row: Carl Andrade, Dawn Leonard Gaudreault, Mike Lambert, Tanya McLeod.
Not Pictured: Michelle Chan, Roby Brar, Scott Morrow, Jason Scheyen, Wes Peters.