This month, the Autism Housing Network of Alberta (AHNA) is talking about the essential components of finding Market Housing: Searching, Viewing and Applying.

Together we will explore these stages of the housing search process so you can improve your chances of being approved for the housing opportunity of your choice. You will increase your confidence and familiarize yourself, so you are prepared when you decide to make your move! For example: What should I look for in a rental? What questions should I ask when attending a viewing? What should I include on my application to rent? What might I omit? Join us to discuss and learn more.

Search, View, Apply: How to get approved for Market Housing is offered In-person at Autism Edmonton’s office (11720 Kingsway Northwest Edmonton, AB T5G 0X5)

and Virtually, May 31 @ 6:30 p.m.

To register for this FREE monthly meeting, click the appropriate link below.

In-person:  with Light Refreshments



A Little About AHNA

Autism Edmonton and Autism Alberta have created an exciting new housing program to advance opportunities with affordable housing providers for autistic adults within the province of Alberta. We are building connections and increasing awareness among communities and rental providers throughout the province. If you are looking for housing solutions within the next year, we can support and help you navigate to housing and other related supports you may need.

*Please note: we currently do not provide emergency housing. Should you be in need of emergency housing we are able to provide you with a list of supports and agencies that you can access to assist you.

Key Program Features:

Who is it for:

Things to Consider:

Click Here to join the Network and stay informed of educational and housing opportunities in Alberta. (This link will take you to a sign-up page where you can choose from a variety of areas of interest – please select the Housing option.)