If you enjoy playing board games and hanging out with a great group of people, you are invited to join the fun!

The Autism Awareness Club at University of Calgary  (AACUC) is hosting several Board Game Nights this semester.

Mark your calendar and plan to join in the fun – you don’t have to be a U of C student to participate, anyone who enjoys games is welcome.


You’re invited:

Wednesday, February 28

5:30 – 7:00 p.m. in the café area at the Child Development Centre  

3820 24th Avenue NW Calgary, AB (located at the Southeast corner of the University of Calgary campus, across from the Children’s Hospital and Ronald McDonald House)


There is no cost to attend, however attendees are asked to email autismawarenessucalgary@gmail.com to RSVP so organizers know how many people to expect and prepare for.

If you have any questions about this event, please email autismawarenessucalgary@gmail.com directly.


Other dates this semester are:

Wednesday, March 13

Wednesday, March 27

Join us for this one-hour session celebrating all things Autism!

When we read or search about autism online, one thing we notice is that a lot of the information uses negative-based and disability-focused language. Words like “inflexible”, “rigid”, “lack of” and “difficulty “are commonly found alongside the definitions of Autism.

However, we know that the medical model of disability which uses those terms doesn’t tell the whole story.

At The Sinneave Family Foundation, we are focused on changing the perception and language around Autism, starting with celebrating the many positive traits and characteristics common among Autistics and empowering those individuals to embrace who they are and what they have to offer.

In this session, we will shift the views on Autism towards the positives, amplify the strength and vibrancy of the Autistic culture, and ways we can support Autism inclusion in the workplace and in life. The event will include a short presentation, information sharing, and discussion in a safe and welcoming small group environment.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

at The Ability Hub (300, 3820 24th Avenue NW Calgary, AB) 

This one-hour session is FREE and available both in person or virtually via Sinneave Connects, our online learning platform.

If you already have a Sinneave Connects account, just log in as usual. If you haven’t yet opened an account, it’s easy! Click the button below that says, “Celebrating Autism! – Jan 4” to be directed to the portal and follow the prompts.

  1. Pick a user name
  2. Pick a password (Don’t forget to record it somewhere safe for next time!)
  3. Select “Register”
  4. Choose “Celebrating Autism! – Jan 4” and enroll.

Celebrating Autism! – Jan 4

Please note: While advance registration is not necessary for most of our Learning & Connection activities (you are welcome to just pop-in), IF you do pre-register it helps us in our planning AND allows us to notify you in the event of a last-minute change or cancellation. Either way, we’d love to see you!

About the Presenter: Sherry Taylor has over 15 years of experience in the not-for-profit industry. She currently is the Program Coordinator with the EmploymentWorks program at Sinneave. She started working with the EW Online program and made the transition to the in-person program continuously developing curriculum and content for Autistic youth, adults, and persons with disabilities, and professionals.

If you have any questions about this session, please contact us by emailing info@sinneavefoundation.org or calling 403 210-5000.

P.S. Did you know there’s a quick access button to Sinneave Connects in the upper right corner of our Homepage.

A screen grab of sinneavefoundation.org homepage with an arrow pointing to the Sinneave Connects button in the upper right corner