Building Bridges: Challenges and Opportunities in Delivering Neuro-Diverse Housing” invites participants to explore the intricate landscape of creating housing solutions that cater to the diverse needs of individuals across the neurological spectrum. This session serves as an open discussion with Ayrshire Group, an Alberta-based investment management firm, to delve into the complexities, hurdles, and promising prospects of designing neuro-diverse housing.

Through its Housing Impact Fund II, Ayrshire aims to deliver housing solutions within Western Canada that focus solving social, environmental, and affordability challenges, and delivering institutional quality rental stock to underserved markets.

The group learning session will focus on the inherent challenges in crafting living spaces that embrace neurodiversity. From addressing sensory sensitivities and spatial considerations to fostering inclusive communities, this session will spotlight the obstacles that developers encounter, and the innovative strategies employed to overcome them.

Moreover, “Building Bridges” isn’t just about acknowledging challenges; it’s also about illuminating the vast opportunities that arise from embracing neurodiversity in housing design. By fostering a collaborative dialogue, the session aims to illuminate the immense potential for innovation, creativity, and social impact inherent in delivering neuro-diverse housing solutions. From leveraging different building systems, to harnessing community-driven initiatives, this session will showcase how developers can play a pivotal role in shaping the future of inclusive living environments.

Join us as we embark on a journey to bridge the gap between aspiration and realization, paving the way for a world where every individual, regardless of neurodiversity, feels a sense of belonging and empowerment within their homes and communities.

Reserve your FREE spot for this virtual Lunch & Learn event by clicking the button below that says, “Building Bridges: Challenges and Opportunities in Delivering Neurodiverse Housing”

Building Bridges: Challenges and Opportunities in Delivering Neurodiverse Housing

If you have questions about this event or require more information, please contact or call 1 (780) 453-3971 (Ext 277)

The Autism Housing Network of Alberta (AHNA) have assembled a panel of autistic individuals and parents of autistics to help guide a virtual discussion on Preparing for Independent Living.

You’re invited to join in Wednesday, February 28 at 6:30 p.m. In-person in Edmonton and Calgary or online throughout the rest of the province.

Whether independent living is your goal or you are simply trying to create an environment to live as independently as possible, learning from others is key. The more we discuss, the more we realize that with the path to independent living is within our grasp.

The panel will explore and discuss things like:


If you are in Calgary, join the watch party in-person at The Sinneave Family Foundation (300, 3820 24 Ave NW) starting at 6:20 p.m.

To reserve your spot, click on the words Calgary Watch Party and secure your free ticket.


If you are in the Edmonton area, join the watch party in-person at Autism Edmonton’s office. 11720 Kingsway NW starting at 6:20 p.m.

To reserve your spot, click on the words Edmonton Watch Party and secure your free ticket.


To attend the virtual event, click the words Virtual Panel Discussion to secure your free ticket.

AHNA is looking for autistics and their support networks to share their stories. Please submit your 2-5 minute video! Telling stories of lived experiences is a great way to share great ideas that can help others take steps towards their goals. For example, what is one approach that you took that worked to move you or your loved one closer to independent living?

Please submit your video to Drewe at

Meet our panelists:

Kim Fox is a parent of 21-year-old with complex needs living on the spectrum. She is a past Director of the Autism Society of Alberta and was a part of the Housing Advisory Committee for the Sinneave Family Foundation. She is also the moderator for the Connecting CommUNITY Facebook group. Life planning and preparedness for independence have become a focal point in her journey supporting her daughter.

Debbie Bocian is the parent of an Autistic 36 year-old who is also challenged with OCD. She is a retired Special Education teacher. As an Elder in her Church, she became involved with the St. Albert Independent Living Association. Debbie seeks to create “a wonderful, supportive place where Adults on the Autism Spectrum can live very happy, social, independent lives.”

Kyle Lobb is the Vice President of the Autism Independent Living Association (AILA). He is an Autistic adult who is preparing for independent living. Kyle attends Grant MacEwan University and works part-time. He intends on moving out when his finances align with his educational aspirations and has been working towards independent living in the interim.


You are invited to join Amy Tatterton of the Sinneave Family Foundation and Drewe Rowbotham of the Autism Housing Network of Alberta and Autism Edmonton for a candid discussion of emerging trends in housing for neurodiverse Albertans across the province.

Housing is front and center on the Nation’s agenda for public policy. Rural and Urban Albertans are struggling to afford rent or a mortgage. How can we advocate for more affordable housing?

Canada has legislated a need for a National Autism Strategy. How will this call to action affect housing for Autistic Albertans?

What tools and resources can Albertans expect to see which can help ease the difficulty in finding safe, affordable and appropriate housing?

Join us as we discuss the broad context of housing and how it might look for Albertans moving into 2024. Add your voice to the conversation, as together we are shaping public policy.

To reserve your ticket for this virtual “Lunch & Learn” click the button below that says, “What’s New in Housing Virtual Presentation.” When you click the button, you will be directed to an external Eventbrite page where you can secure your spot.

What’s New in Housing Virtual Presentation 


About the Presenters:

Drewe Rowbotham is the Housing Coordinator for Autism Edmonton and facilitator and curator of the Autism Housing Network of Alberta (AHNA) with the Autism Society of Alberta. He is also a Board Member of the Autism Independent Living Association (AILA). He is a B. Ed graduate with distinction from the University of Alberta and has been in the business of housing for over 15 years since becoming a “land steward” aka landlord. His professional career as a Housing Navigator began with e4c as an Arts and Education Facilitator in a Group Home for At-Risk Youth. He has since fulfilled numerous roles to support ending homelessness, including: Follow-up Support Worker, Rapid Re-Housing manager, Intensive Case Management manager, Diversion manager and Landlord Relations Specialist. Drewe is pleased to serve autistic and neurodiverse individuals in improving the access to and quality of housing.

Amy Tatterton is the Director of Learning and Connection at The Sinneave Family Foundation. Amy provides leadership to the foundation’s various learning activities and community engagement initiatives. This work helps Sinneave fulfill its mission of reducing barriers and enhancing opportunities for Autistic and neurodivergent youth and adults. Amy holds a Master of Education in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Calgary with a concentration in Educational Research and has personal and professional experience serving the disability community in a variety of environments including sport, post-secondary supports, pediatric behaviour intervention, early childhood learning management and now adulthood transition support.

The Autism Housing Network of Alberta (AHNA), together with STEPS Society of Red Deer is hosting a Hybrid Resource Fair, with an eye to the future.

“Who Will Care for our Loved Ones in the Future” Resource Fair will bring together like-minded individuals and organizations to envision and plan for the future and explore various resources that can help shape the path ahead.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

If you are in the Red Deer area, you’re invited to connect in-person at STEPS Society (2830 Bremner Avenue)

Participants from outside of Red Deer are invited to attend virtually from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. online via an Eventbrite link.

The event will feature:

RSVP to reserve your spot today! When you click the buttons below, you will be directed to an EventBrite site to reserve your spot. There is no charge for this event.

To attend the in-person event, click the button below that says “I’m Coming to Red Deer”

I’m Coming to Red Deer!

To attend the virtual event, click the button below that says, “I’m Attending Virtually”

I’m attending Virtually!


If you have questions about this event, please reach out to STEPS Society by calling 403 343-6249 or email

AHNA is pleased to be hosting our monthly Housing Resources meeting in Calgary! Join us for a Potluck & Presentation and get to know your local and provincial support teams as well as the families they serve.

Our hope is to connect like-minded people to enhance the social- and community-based landscape of housing in Calgary and provide provincially relevant information about ongoing advocacy efforts in Alberta.

Bring a dish to share and join us:

Legacy on 5th

933 5 Avenue Southwest

6:00 – 9:00 p.m.


Guest speakers include:

Amy Tatterton: The Sinneave Family Foundation

Drewe Rowbotham: Autism Housing Network of Alberta

Representatives from Autism Calgary and Autism Society of Alberta will also be onhand.

Learn about how the Autism Alberta’s Alliance Housing Community of Practice will be advocating for better housing opportunities and outcomes for Autistic Albertans.

Learn about the Legacy on 5th affordable housing opportunity for Autistics.

Learn about the Sinneave Family Foundation programs and services.


Let us know you’re coming by registering in advance. Click the button below that says “I’m coming!” to reserve your spot.

I’m Coming! 

If you want to join the meeting virtually at 7:00 p.m. click the button below that says, “Connect me online” to register.

Connect me online

If you have any questions about this event, please reach out to Tracy Mendoza at

You’re invited to the Autism Housing Network of Alberta (AHNA) August meeting!

Wednesday, August 30

6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

In-person at the Autism Edmonton office (11720 Kingsway Avenue)

or Virtually via EventBrite.

This meeting will be an opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas so that AHNA can effectively respond to your needs.

What topics would you like to focus on in 2024?

Join us as we brainstorm creative housing solutions and the housing related topics which improve the quality of and access to housing for Autistic persons and their families. As a Roundtable Discussion you are encouraged to speak, however your silent input is also welcome! You can type in the chat, respond to the polls and make your voice heard.

We want to know:

RSVP to attend using the appropriate button:

To attend in-person, RSVP by clicking here.

To attend virtually, RSVP by clicking here.



Wednesday, September 27 is a party!

Partner organization across the province will be hosting in-person events/watch-parties:

Edmonton: Autism Edmonton

Calgary: Sinneave Family Foundation

Lethbridge: Autism Society of Alberta: Family Resource Center

Red Deer: STEPS: Family Resource Center

 Stay tuned for more details to come!

This month, the Autism Housing Network of Alberta (AHNA) is focusing on Independent Living options in Alberta. You are invited to attend their June meeting for an opportunity to Ask the Panel about Independent Living Supports and Supportive Roommates.

Many Autistic individuals require specialized supports to increase their ability to live independently. Our panel of experts is available to answer your questions.

This meeting is offered In-person at Autism Edmonton’s office (11720 Kingsway Northwest, Edmonton, AB T5G 0X5)

and Virtually, June 28 @6:30 p.m.

To register for this FREE monthly meeting, click the appropriate link below.

Virtual Session:

In-person Session:


About AHNA

Autism Edmonton and Autism Alberta have created an exciting new housing program to advance opportunities with affordable housing providers for autistic adults within the province of Alberta. We are building connections and increasing awareness among communities and rental providers throughout the province. If you are looking for housing solutions within the next year, we can support and help you navigate to housing and other related supports you may need.

*Please note: we currently do not provide emergency housing. Should you be in need of emergency housing we are able to provide you with a list of supports and agencies that you can access to assist you.

Key Program Features:

Who is it for:

Things to Consider:

Click Here to join the Network and stay informed of educational and housing opportunities in Alberta. (This link will take you to a sign-up page where you can choose from a variety of areas of interest – please select the Housing option.)