August 22 @ 10:00 am 11:00 am

The August Art of Parenting…with Autism group meets Thursday, August 22 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. online via Sinneave Connects.

Each Art of Parenting session focuses on different aspects of parenting through the lens of being Autistic and/or parenting Autistic children. Participants will receive encouragement, support, and practical short and long term strategies for navigating parenting in the healthiest way possible, with a focus on self-care and compassion.

This particular session will cover strategies for helping your teen/young adult to change persistent negative thinking that can create uncecessary stress. This session will also touch on lack of motivation: why it happens and what can be done to combat it.

These sessions intend to educate, empower and encourage parents on their journey, as well as create a safe community of ongoing support. Participants will benefit from the practical information provided each session as well as the connection of others who share similar experiences.

During this session, Sinneave staff, guest presenters, and attendees may share information about community resources. Information provided may not always be accurate, up-to-date, or reliable. Attendees are encouraged to be critical consumers of information available on the internet. Providing information about a community resource is not endorsement and Sinneave does not assume any risk for the outcome of using the information shared during this session.

This session is FREE and entirely virtual, via our Sinneave Connects online learning platform.

If you already have a Sinneave Connects account, just log in as usual. If you haven’t yet opened an account, it’s easy! Click the words below that say, “Sinneave Connects” to be directed to the portal and follow the prompts.

  1. Pick a user name
  2. Pick a password
  3. Select “Register”
  4. Choose “The Art of Parenting – August 22” and enroll.

Sinneave Connects 

About the Presenter: Joannie Rosevear is a neurodivergent mother of five beautiful children. She is passionate about supporting and encouraging other families so they don’t feel alone in their journey. Her personal experience in parenting children both on and off the spectrum informs the work she does as a Program Facilitator with The Sinneave Family Foundation, knowing that, while books, resources, and professionals are helpful, connecting with someone with lived experience and who “gets it” can be truly empowering.

If you have any questions about this event or if you need support navigating  the Sinneave Connects learning hub, please email or call 403 210-5000. We’re here to help!

Please note: While advance registration is not necessary for most of our Learning & Connection activities (you are welcome to just drop-in), IF you do pre-register it helps us in our planning AND allows us to notify you in the event of a last-minute change or cancellation. Either way, we’d love to see you!

The University of Calgary Autism Awareness Club is hosting a Movie Night!!!

Take a break from studying and join them for an evening of snacks, drinks and fun!


Thursday, April 11

5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

at The Sinneave Family Foundation

300, 3820 24 Ave NW


All are welcome! You don’t have to be a member or university student to participate, you just need to enjoy meeting and spending time with great people!

RSVP to so organizers know how many people to plan for.

The Autism Housing Network of Alberta is presenting Invest in Housing for Autistics: Models that Work, an exploration of existing and planned Autism-friendly housing projects!

There are unique and innovative ways to invest in your community on a large, medium and small scale. Housing is a great investment: build equity, turn a profit and help solve Alberta’s housing crunch. Equity deserving populations such as Autistic individuals and their families are a growing tenant pool. Now is the time to position yourself or your company as a leaer in a growing construction and property management niche.

Join us to learn how!

Friday, April 5, 2024

9:30 – 11:00 a.m.

If you live in the Fort McMurray area, register today to attend this FREE presentation in-person by clicking the button below that says “Attend In-person”

Main Hall, Unifor Local 707A

10019 MacDonald Ave

Ft. McMurray, AB

Attend In-person

While the in-person event is generously hosted by Autism Society Wood Buffalo Region, the discussion is applicable province-wide and people from across the province in rural and urban centres are invited to join virtually.

If you live elsewhere in the province, register to attend online via Eventbrite by clicking the button below that says “Attend Virtually”

Attend Virtually


If you have questions about this presentation, please reach out to Drewe at

You’re invited to the Autism Awareness Club UCalgary’s last event of the semester – TRIVIA NIGHT!!!


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

5:30 – 7:00 p.m. 

at The Sinneave Family Foundation

300, 3820 24 Ave NW


All are welcome – you don’t have to be a member or a university student to participate. You just need to love having fun with a great group of people!

If you have a specific area of knowledge you want to be included in the selection of topics, please let the organizers know when you RSVP.

Email to let them know you’re coming BEFORE April 23.


You’re invited to join in our February Women’s Group Thursday, February 1, 2024

In each Women’s Group, we provide timely information on topics that are important to Autistic women. These sessions are intended to provide a safe space for women to connect, ask questions, share stories, and enjoy valuable peer connection.

In this particular session, we will continue previous discussions around relationships. This includes professional relationships, friendships at work, boundary setting, and sharing tips and tricks for socializing at work. If this is your first time, don’t worry–the content of each discussion is unique and previous attendance isn’t required to benefit from it.

All are welcome no matter how you identify, however, please be aware that information and resources provided are based on female assigned at birth. All gender expressions are welcome.

Join us Thursday, February 1, 2024

4:00 – 5:00 p.m. 

at The Ability Hub (300, 3820 24th Avenue NW Calgary, AB) 

Attending in person is a great way to meet new people and practice essential social skills. However, if getting to The Ability Hub in person is a barrier for you, you can also attend online via Sinneave Connects, our online learning platform.

If you already have a Sinneave Connects account, just log in as usual. If you haven’t yet opened a FREE account, it’s easy! Click the button below to be directed to the portal.

  1. Pick a user name
  2. Pick a password (Don’t forget to record it somewhere safe for next time!)
  3. Register!
  4. Choose the “Women & Autism – February 2024 Women’s Group” event to enroll and access the virtual link.

Women & Autism – February 2024 Women’s Group


About the Presenter: Kristen Coglon has more than nine years of experience supporting adults on the spectrum to find community and thrive in their every day lives. She works as a Life Skills Coach with The Sinneave Family Foundation and is passionate about creating supportive and safe spaces for neurodivergent women to come together, share experiences, stories, resources and peer connection. Her hope is to foster a long-lasting community of women who support each other.

If you have any questions about this session, or need help navigating Sinneave Connects, please contact us by emailing or calling 403 210-5000. We’re here to help!

Please note: While advance registration is not necessary for most of our Learning & Connection activities (you are welcome to just drop-in), IF you do pre-register it helps us in our planning AND allows us to notify you in the event of a last-minute change or cancellation. Either way, we’d love to see you!

P.S. The quick access button to Sinneave Connects is on the upper right corner of our Homepage.

A screen grab of homepage with an arrow pointing to the Sinneave Connects button in the upper right corner

You are invited to join Autism Awareness Club UCalgary (AACUC) for an Art Therapy Event!

Discover art therapy and learn how Autistic individuals use it as a communication tool to express their thoughts and feelings.

Channel your inner artist and practice drawing, colouring and painting.

Come join us for this relaxing event. It’s a great way to connect with peers and have fun!

Anyone can attend, including members and people who regularly attend our Board Game evenings.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

12:00 – 6:00 p.m.

@The Ability Hub – 300, 3820 24 Avenue NW Calgary, AB

As this is an in-person event, there are capacity limits. Please RSVP by Thursday, December 14 to so organizers can ensure they have enough space and supplies.

If you have any questions about the event or the AACUC, you can email the same address and someone will reply to you.

Take a small break from studying and do something FUN!

You are invited to join the University of Calgary Autism Awareness Club (AACUC) for a Gingerbread decorating event! You do not need to be a University of Calgary student to attend–everyone is welcome. It is a great way to connect with peers in a fun and friendly environment.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

@The Ability Hub (300, 3820 24 Avenue NW)

Please email your RSVP before Monday, December 11 to so organizers know how many people to prepare for and can ensure they have enough supplies.

If you have any questions about this event, please email the same address and someone will get back to you.

Due to unavoidable circumstances, the Art of Parenting with Autism session scheduled for December 21, 2023 is cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience and invite you to check our Events Calendar for future dates. 

The struggle is real! Just in time for the holidays, you are invited to join us for our next Art of Parenting session Thursday, December 21 from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. 

In this particular session, we will be discussing daily sensory overload and health anxiety. The goal of the session is to give attendees a greater understanding of sensory overload and provide short and long-term ideas and strategies for managing it. The overall aim of this group is to help parents navigate the parenting journey in the healthiest way possible.

If you are an autistic parent, or the parent of an autistic child, you will benefit from this information and the connection of others who share similar experiences.

If you have any questions about this event or if you need support navigating  the Sinneave Connects learning hub, please email or call 403 210-5000. We’re here to help!

AHNA is pleased to be hosting our monthly Housing Resources meeting in Calgary! Join us for a Potluck & Presentation and get to know your local and provincial support teams as well as the families they serve.

Our hope is to connect like-minded people to enhance the social- and community-based landscape of housing in Calgary and provide provincially relevant information about ongoing advocacy efforts in Alberta.

Bring a dish to share and join us:

Legacy on 5th

933 5 Avenue Southwest

6:00 – 9:00 p.m.


Guest speakers include:

Amy Tatterton: The Sinneave Family Foundation

Drewe Rowbotham: Autism Housing Network of Alberta

Representatives from Autism Calgary and Autism Society of Alberta will also be onhand.

Learn about how the Autism Alberta’s Alliance Housing Community of Practice will be advocating for better housing opportunities and outcomes for Autistic Albertans.

Learn about the Legacy on 5th affordable housing opportunity for Autistics.

Learn about the Sinneave Family Foundation programs and services.


Let us know you’re coming by registering in advance. Click the button below that says “I’m coming!” to reserve your spot.

I’m Coming! 

If you want to join the meeting virtually at 7:00 p.m. click the button below that says, “Connect me online” to register.

Connect me online

If you have any questions about this event, please reach out to Tracy Mendoza at

If you enjoy playing a variety of board games and hanging out with a great group of people, you are invited to join the fun. The Autism Awareness Club at University of Calgary  (AACUC) is hosting its last Board Games Night of the semester.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

5:30 – 7:00 p.m. in the café area at the Child Development Centre  

3820 24th Avenue NW Calgary, AB (at the Southwest corner of the University of Calgary campus, across from the Children’s Hospital)

You don’t have to be a U of C student to participate, anyone who enjoys games is welcome.

Attendees are asked to email to RSVP so organizers know how many people to expect and prepare for.

If you have any questions about this event, please email

Mark your calendar and plan to attend! 

Stay tuned for some fun December activities, coming soon!