If you enjoy playing a variety of board games and hanging out with a great group of people, you are invited to join the fun. The Autism Awareness Club at University of Calgary  (AACUC) is hosting two more board game evenings in November!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

5:30 – 7:00 p.m. in the café area at the Child Development Centre  

3820 24th Avenue NW Calgary, AB (at the Southwest corner of the University of Calgary campus, across from the Children’s Hospital)

You don’t have to be a U of C student to participate, anyone who enjoys games is welcome.

Attendees are asked to email autismawarenessucalgary@gmail.com to RSVP so organizers know how many people to expect and prepare for.

If you have any questions about this event, please email autismawarenessucalgary@gmail.com

Mark your calendar and plan to attend Wednesday, November 29th as well!

If you enjoy playing a variety of board games and hanging out with a great group of people, you are invited to join the fun. The Autism Awareness Club at University of Calgary  (AACUC) is hosting three board game evenings in November!

The first is Wednesday, November 1, 2023

5:30 – 7:00 p.m. in the café area at the Child Development Centre  

3820 24th Avenue NW Calgary, AB (at the Southwest corner of the University of Calgary campus, across from the Children’s Hospital)

You don’t have to be a U of C student to participate, anyone who enjoys games is welcome.

Attendees are asked to email autismawarenessucalgary@gmail.com to RSVP so organizers know how many people to expect and prepare for.

If you have any questions about this event, please email autismawarenessucalgary@gmail.com

Mark your calendar and plan to attend Wednesday, November 15 and 29th as well!

The Autism Awareness Club at University of Calgary  (AACUC) is hosting a Board Games evening!

If you enjoy playing a variety of board games and hanging out with a great group of people, you are invited to join the fun.

You don’t have to be a U of C student to participate, anyone who enjoys games is welcome.

Attendees are asked to email autismawarenessucalgary@gmail.com to RSVP so organizers know how many people to expect and prepare for.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the café area at the Child Development Centre

3820 24th Avenue NW Calgary, AB

If you have any questions about this event, please email autismawarenessucalgary@gmail.com

The Autism Awareness Club at University of Calgary  (AACUC) is hosting its first Board Game evening of the Fall semester!

If you enjoy playing a variety of board games and hanging out with a great group of people, you are invited to join the fun.

You don’t have to be a U of C student to participate, anyone who enjoys games is welcome. Mark your calendar and plan to bring a friend – the more the merrier!

Attendees are asked to email autismawarenessucalgary@gmail.com to RSVP so organizers know how many people to expect and prepare for.

The first get together is Wednesday, October 4, 2023

5:30 – 7:00 p.m. p.m. in the café area at the Child Development Centre

3820 24th Avenue NW Calgary, AB

If you have any questions about this event, please email autismawarenessucalgary@gmail.com


P.S. AACUC volunteers want your input for future Board Game evenings. When you click the button below that says, “Board Game Survey” you will be directed to a Google Survey with a few questions about day and time preferences and the types of games you like to play. The survey should only take a few minutes of your time.

Board Game Survey

We love being out in the community, meeting people face-to-face AND we love talking about autism and the programs & services we offer to support autistic and neurodivergent youth and adults in Calgary and beyond to THRIVE!

On Wednesday, October 11 we get to do BOTH!

Join us at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Room at Village Square Leisure Centre for a brief presentation all about Sinneave.

Learn about our organization and the programs and services we offer, including:

Attendees will have opportunity to ask questions and engage with our charming Learning & Connection staff in a safe and welcoming environment.

Village Square Leisure Centre, Community Room

2623 56 Street NE in Calgary

6:00 – 7:00 p.m. 

There is no registration required, just drop-in! If you know people in the Calgary area who might benefit from learning more about our organization, please spread the word.

If you have questions about this presentation, please email us at info@sinneavefoundation.org or call us at 403 210-5000.

About the Presenters:

Amy Tatterton (she/her) is the Director of Learning and Connection for the Sinneave Family Foundation. She provides leadership to Sinneave’s community education and engagement initiatives with a goal of reducing barriers and enhancing opportunities for autistic youth and adults. Amy holds a Master of Education in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Calgary with a focus in Educational Research and has specific interest in neurodivergence and co-occurring mental health concerns. Amy was born and raised in Calgary and has personal and professional experience in environments that support neurodivergent individuals–like sport, post-secondary supports, pediatric behaviour intervention, early childhood learning management and now, supporting youth in the transition to adulthood. When she’s not working, Amy loves to spend time outside – golfing, skiing, camping and hiking.

Jay Haukenfrers (she/her) is the Learning and Connection Coordinator for the Sinneave Family Foundation. She oversees Sinneave’s Information & Navigation service, which provides resources to self-advocates, parents and professionals. Jay also supports with Learning and Connection activities, including community engagement, presentations, workshops and digital content. Jay has a Bachelor of Arts degree with a focus in music and psychology. She has had the honour of supporting diverse vulnerable populations in many ways for more than 10 years. She has worked with families and children in crisis, young people with disabilities pursuing post-secondary education, adults with disabilities and co-occurring health challenges, and now, with autistic and neurodivergent youth and adults in the transition to adulthood. Outside of work, Jay enjoys long walks in the forest, baking and crocheting her next blanket!


You’re invited to the Autism Housing Network of Alberta (AHNA) August meeting!

Wednesday, August 30

6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

In-person at the Autism Edmonton office (11720 Kingsway Avenue)

or Virtually via EventBrite.

This meeting will be an opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas so that AHNA can effectively respond to your needs.

What topics would you like to focus on in 2024?

Join us as we brainstorm creative housing solutions and the housing related topics which improve the quality of and access to housing for Autistic persons and their families. As a Roundtable Discussion you are encouraged to speak, however your silent input is also welcome! You can type in the chat, respond to the polls and make your voice heard.

We want to know:

RSVP to attend using the appropriate button:

To attend in-person, RSVP by clicking here.

To attend virtually, RSVP by clicking here.



Wednesday, September 27 is a party!

Partner organization across the province will be hosting in-person events/watch-parties:

Edmonton: Autism Edmonton

Calgary: Sinneave Family Foundation

Lethbridge: Autism Society of Alberta: Family Resource Center

Red Deer: STEPS: Family Resource Center

 Stay tuned for more details to come!

You’re invited to join the Art of Parenting…with Autism. 

Each Art of Parenting session focuses on different aspects of parenting through the lens of being autistic and/or parenting autistic children. Through a short presentation, discussion and activities, participants will receive encouragement, support and practical short and long term strategies for navigating parenting in the healthiest way possible, with a focus on self-care and compassion.

This particular session will cover the intense struggles with food that many autistics (and their parents) deal with, melt down prevention and finding peace in the sometimes chaos of daily life.

These sessions intend to educate, empower and encourage parents on their journey, as well as create a safe community of ongoing support.

If you are an autistic parent, or the parent of an autistic child, you will benefit from this information and the connection of others who share similar experiences.

Join us Thursday, September 28 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

This session is FREE and entirely virtual, via our Sinneave Connects online learning platform.

If you already have a Sinneave Connects account, just log in as usual. If you haven’t yet opened an account, it’s easy! Click the button below that says, “The Art of Parenting – Sept. 28” to be directed to the portal and follow the prompts.

  1. Pick a user name
  2. Pick a password (Don’t forget to record it somewhere safe for next time!)
  3. Select “Register”
  4. Choose “The Art of Parenting – Sept. 28” and enroll.

The Art of Parenting – Sept. 28

If you have any questions about this event or if you need support navigating  the Sinneave Connects learning hub, please email info@sinneavefoundation.org or call 403 210-5000. We’re here to help!

Please note: While advance registration is not necessary for most of our Learning & Connection activities (you are welcome to just drop-in), IF you do pre-register it helps us in our planning AND allows us to notify you in the event of a last-minute change or cancellation. Either way, we’d love to see you!

P.S. The quick access button to Sinneave Connects is on the upper right corner of our Homepage.

A screen grab of sinneavefoundation.org homepage with an arrow pointing to the Sinneave Connects button in the upper right corner

CANCELLED – Due to unexpected circumstances this week’s Art of Parenting with Autism session is cancelled. Please refer to our Events Calendar for next dates.

You’re invited to join the Art of Parenting…with Autism.

Each Art of Parenting session focuses on different aspects of parenting through the lens of being autistic and/or parenting autistic children. Through a short presentation, discussion and activities, participants will receive encouragement, support and practical short and long term strategies for navigating parenting in the healthiest way possible, with a focus on self-care and compassion.

This particular session will cover the intense struggles with food that many autistics (and their parents) deal with, melt down prevention and finding peace in the sometimes chaos of daily life. Each Art of Parenting session intends to educate, empower and encourage parents on their journey, as well as create a safe community of ongoing support.

If you are an autistic parent, or the parent of an autistic child, you will benefit from this information and the connection of others who share similar experiences.

If you have any questions about this event or if you need support navigating  the Sinneave Connects learning hub, please email info@sinneavefoundation.org or call 403 210-5000. We’re here to help!

In each Women’s Group, we provide timely information on topics that are important to autistic women. In this particular session, we’ll discuss friendships and relationships, including maintaining safety in relationships, how to recognize good and bad intentions of others, and strategies to increase understanding in relationships.

In a safe and welcoming small group setting, we’ll share information, and enjoy valuable peer connection. First timers are always welcome as each session’s topic and discussion is unique.

Join us Thursday, July 20, 2023

4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

at The Ability Hub (300, 3820 24th Avenue NW Calgary, AB)

If  you would like to attend this session, but getting to The Ability Hub in person is a barrier for you, you can also attend online via Sinneave Connects, our online learning platform.

If you already have a Sinneave Connects account, just log in as usual. (The access button is on the upper right corner of our Homepage) If you haven’t yet opened a FREE account, it’s easy! Click the button below to be directed to the portal.

  1. Pick a user name
  2. Pick a password (Don’t forget to record it somewhere safe for next time!)
  3. Choose the “July 20 – Women & Autism Women’s Group” event to be directed to the livestream.

July 20 – Women & Autism Women’s Group

*Please note: All are welcome no matter how you identify, however, please be aware that information and resources provided are based on female assigned at birth. All gender expressions are welcome.

If you have any questions about this session, or need help navigating Sinneave Connects, please contact us by emailing info@sinneavefoundation.org or calling 403 210-5000.

Please note: While advance registration is not necessary for most of our Exploration Sessions (you are welcome to just drop-in), IF you do pre-register it helps us in our planning AND allows us to notify you in the event of a last-minute change or cancellation. Either way, we’d love to see you!

We know that historically and still today, autistic women continue to be under- and mis-diagnosed. While it was originally thought the ratio of autistic males to females was 4:1, research now tells us that number is actually closer to 2:1. Many women do not receive a diagnosis well into adulthood because the stereotypes associated with autism simply don’t fit females.

In each Women’s Group, we provide timely information on topics that are important to autistic women. In this particular session, we’ll discuss friendships and relationships, including maintaining safety in relationships, how to recognize good and bad intentions of others, and strategies to increase understanding in relationships.

In a safe and welcoming small group setting, we’ll share information, and enjoy valuable peer connection. First timers are always welcome as each session’s topic and discussion is unique.

Join us Thursday, June 15, 2023

4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

at The Ability Hub (300, 3820 24th Avenue NW Calgary, AB)

If  you would like to attend this session, but getting to the Ability Hub in person is a barrier for you, attending via Zoom is also an option. Please email info@sinneavefoundation.org in advance of the session for the link.

*Please note: All are welcome no matter how you identify, however, please be aware that information and resources provided are based on female assigned at birth. All gender expressions are welcome.

If you have any questions about this session, please contact us by emailing info@sinneavefoundation.org or calling 403 210-5000.