You’re invited to the Autism Housing Network of Alberta (AHNA) August meeting!

Wednesday, August 30

6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

In-person at the Autism Edmonton office (11720 Kingsway Avenue)

or Virtually via EventBrite.

This meeting will be an opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas so that AHNA can effectively respond to your needs.

What topics would you like to focus on in 2024?

Join us as we brainstorm creative housing solutions and the housing related topics which improve the quality of and access to housing for Autistic persons and their families. As a Roundtable Discussion you are encouraged to speak, however your silent input is also welcome! You can type in the chat, respond to the polls and make your voice heard.

We want to know:

RSVP to attend using the appropriate button:

To attend in-person, RSVP by clicking here.

To attend virtually, RSVP by clicking here.



Wednesday, September 27 is a party!

Partner organization across the province will be hosting in-person events/watch-parties:

Edmonton: Autism Edmonton

Calgary: Sinneave Family Foundation

Lethbridge: Autism Society of Alberta: Family Resource Center

Red Deer: STEPS: Family Resource Center

 Stay tuned for more details to come!