Do you struggle with unexpected changes?

Do you have trouble getting started on tasks?

Or maybe you have trouble stopping things you like to do when it’s time to do something you don’t like to do?

Have you ever avoided an experience or a person because of anxiety?

How about when you have a great idea, but have trouble creating and acting on a plan to get it done?

If so, learning more about Executive Functioning (EF) may be beneficial for you. Research has shown us that the skills underlying Executive Functioning can be taught, practiced and improved on. When EF skills are working, we tend to be happier and more productive.

We are excited to invite self-advocates and individuals who identify as autistic to attend this six-week Skills Group focused on Executive Functioning (EF). We will discuss and practice skills including: Cognitive Flexibility, Getting Started, Staying Present, Bringing your Anxiety along for the Ride, and Organization/Planning.

In this group, participants will learn about the importance of EF and how to improve EF skills through specific practice within a safe and supportive environment.

What are Skills Groups?

Skills Groups are skill development workshops that are facilitated by two Sinneave staff members (one is an autistic self-advocate). In each 90-minute workshop, participants learn a variety of strategies that are foundational to success in various aspects of daily life. They are then given opportunities to practice the strategies with the support of the facilitators and other group members.

Are Skills Groups for Me?

Skills Groups are best suited for autistic and neurodiverse individuals who

If you can answer “Yes” to each of the statements above, our Skills Groups may be a good fit for you.

How Do I Apply?

Because we keep the groups small, Skills Groups are in high demand. Enrolment is limited to 4-6 participants per group and individuals may only register for one group at a time to allow for the greatest participation.

All applications are completed online.

Please Note: Skills Groups are not intended for support workers, aides, caregivers, or other professionals.

If you would like more information about a particular group, please contact us at 403-210-5000 or to book an Information and Navigation meeting to learn about other programs and services.

Do you struggle with unexpected changes?

Do you have trouble getting started on tasks?

Or maybe you have trouble stopping things you like to do when it’s time to do something you don’t like to do?

Have you ever avoided an experience or a person because of anxiety?

How about when you have a great idea, but have trouble creating and acting on a plan to get it done?

If so, learning more about Executive Functioning (EF) may be beneficial for you. Research has shown us that the skills underlying Executive Functioning can be taught, practiced and improved on. When EF skills are working, we tend to be happier and more productive.

We are excited to invite self-advocates and individuals who identify as autistic to attend this six-week Skills Group focused on Executive Functioning (EF). We will discuss and practice skills including: Cognitive Flexibility, Getting Started, Staying Present, Bringing your Anxiety along for the Ride, and Organization/Planning.

In this group, participants will learn about the importance of EF and how to improve EF skills through specific practice within a safe and supportive environment.

What are Skills Groups?

Skills Groups are skill development workshops that are facilitated by two Sinneave staff members (one is an autistic self-advocate). In each 90-minute workshop, participants learn a variety of strategies that are foundational to success in various aspects of daily life. They are then given opportunities to practice the strategies with the support of the facilitators and other group members.

Are Skills Groups for Me?

Skills Groups are best suited for autistic and neurodiverse individuals who

If you can answer “Yes” to each of the statements above, our Skills Groups may be a good fit for you.

How Do I Apply?

Because we keep the groups small, Skills Groups are in high demand. Enrolment is limited to 4-6 participants per group and individuals may only register for one group at a time to allow for the greatest participation.

All applications are completed online.

Please Note: Skills Groups are not intended for support workers, aides, caregivers, or other professionals.

If you would like more information about a particular group, please contact us at 403-210-5000 or to book an Information and Navigation meeting to learn about other programs and services.

Do you struggle with unexpected changes?

Do you have trouble getting started on tasks?

Or maybe you have trouble stopping things you like to do when it’s time to do something you don’t like to do?

Have you ever avoided an experience or a person because of anxiety?

How about when you have a great idea, but have trouble creating and acting on a plan to get it done?

If so, learning more about Executive Functioning (EF) may be beneficial for you. Research has shown us that the skills underlying Executive Functioning can be taught, practiced and improved on. When EF skills are working, we tend to be happier and more productive.

We are excited to invite self-advocates and individuals who identify as autistic to attend this six-week Skills Group focused on Executive Functioning (EF). We will discuss and practice skills including: Cognitive Flexibility, Getting Started, Staying Present, Bringing your Anxiety along for the Ride, and Organization/Planning.

In this group, participants will learn about the importance of EF and how to improve EF skills through specific practice within a safe and supportive environment.

What are Skills Groups?

Skills Groups are skill development workshops that are facilitated by two Sinneave staff members (one is an autistic self-advocate). In each 90-minute workshop, participants learn a variety of strategies that are foundational to success in various aspects of daily life. They are then given opportunities to practice the strategies with the support of the facilitators and other group members.

Are Skills Groups for Me?

Skills Groups are best suited for autistic and neurodiverse individuals who

If you can answer “Yes” to each of the statements above, our Skills Groups may be a good fit for you.

How Do I Apply?

Because we keep the groups small, Skills Groups are in high demand. Enrolment is limited to 4-6 participants per group and individuals may only register for one group at a time to allow for the greatest participation.

All applications are completed online.

Please Note: Skills Groups are not intended for support workers, aides, caregivers, or other professionals.

If you would like more information about a particular group, please contact us at 403-210-5000 or to book an Information and Navigation meeting to learn about other programs and services.

Do you struggle with unexpected changes?

Do you have trouble getting started on tasks?

Or maybe you have trouble stopping things you like to do when it’s time to do something you don’t like to do?

Have you ever avoided an experience or a person because of anxiety?

How about when you have a great idea, but have trouble creating and acting on a plan to get it done?

If so, learning more about Executive Functioning (EF) may be beneficial for you. Research has shown us that the skills underlying Executive Functioning can be taught, practiced and improved on. When EF skills are working, we tend to be happier and more productive.

We are excited to invite self-advocates and individuals who identify as autistic to attend this six-week Skills Group focused on Executive Functioning (EF). We will discuss and practice skills including: Cognitive Flexibility, Getting Started, Staying Present, Bringing your Anxiety along for the Ride, and Organization/Planning.

In this group, participants will learn about the importance of EF and how to improve EF skills through specific practice within a safe and supportive environment.

What are Skills Groups?

Skills Groups are skill development workshops that are facilitated by two Sinneave staff members (one is an autistic self-advocate). In each 90-minute workshop, participants learn a variety of strategies that are foundational to success in various aspects of daily life. They are then given opportunities to practice the strategies with the support of the facilitators and other group members.

Are Skills Groups for Me?

Skills Groups are best suited for autistic and neurodiverse individuals who

If you can answer “Yes” to each of the statements above, our Skills Groups may be a good fit for you.

How Do I Apply?

Because we keep the groups small, Skills Groups are in high demand. Enrolment is limited to 4-6 participants per group and individuals may only register for one group at a time to allow for the greatest participation.

All applications are completed online.

Please Note: Skills Groups are not intended for support workers, aides, caregivers, or other professionals.

If you would like more information about a particular group, please contact us at 403-210-5000 or to book an Information and Navigation meeting to learn about other programs and services.

Did you know that visualizing outcomes you want can increase your confidence?

Research shows that imagining or “seeing” yourself succeed helps you believe that it can–and will–happen. When you imagine taking steps through an event or activity and it goes well, you get your mind and body ready to take those steps in real life.

In this Exploration Session we’ll discuss the importance of visualization and how it helps to create a positive self-image. Participants will learn how increased confidence can help an individual take steps toward making the vision and goals for their life a reality, followed by an opportunity to create their own vision board.

Join us Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. at The Ability Hub (300, 3820 24th Avenue NW in Calgary).

Please Note: This session pairs perfectly with our Exploration Session on Goal Setting: Learn how to set meaningful and realistic goals on March 2, 2023. To find out more about that session, visit the event page by clicking on the words, Goal Setting.

Do you have plans and dreams for your future, but aren’t sure of how to make them a reality?

Do you want to set meaningful goals for your life, but don’t know where to start?

Then this Exploration Session may be just what you need.

Learn how to create meaningful and realistic goals and then take action steps to achieve them – one at a time.

In this one-hour session, participants will learn about the importance of values and how they inform our life goals, followed by learning about SMART goals and how to determine what yours might be. Attendees will have an opportunity to participate in a values exercise and a goal setting exercise to practice these skills.

Join us Thursday, March 2 at 4:00 p.m. at The Ability Hub (300, 3820 24th Avenue NW in Calgary)

If  you would like to attend but getting to the Ability Hub in person is a barrier for you, attending via Zoom is also an option. Please email IN ADVANCE for the link and materials you will need to print off for the session.

Please note: This Exploration Session pairs perfectly with our March 9th session on Visualization: Visualize the future you want and take steps towards achieving it. For more information about that session, visit the event page by clicking on the word, Visualization. (There is no Zoom option for this session as the activity is hands-on.)